FlightFest @ Gilt ... Location, Location, Location ...

2013-09-27 Personal Nerdy

Psssttt ... don't tell anybody, but ... at Gilt it is not always about work and writing great code.

Sometimes we like to party. Especially when something like FlightFest comes along and the office is located right down by the Liffey overlooking the river and the Samuel Beckett Bridge.

Sometimes it is too good not to do it.

What a great day. For the kids. For the girls and the boys. The small ones and the big ones.

The fly-bys were impressive. The highlights were ...

  • Micheal O'Leary hitting it out of the park (again)

(PS: In case you can't read it. He painted "U never beat D Irish" on the plane :))
  • The Hunter and the Sabre

  • And the fly-by of "Christina's office"