(The Extreme) 100 Day Walking Challenge

2021-05-15 Personal Thoughts

In January I had a good call with my friend Braggy in Sydney. The insight was, that 2020 was different to what I/we expected, but with 20/20 ... Read More

What's a Staff Director?

2020-08-31 Management Thoughts Culture

Community is growing fast. More business. More customers. More people. More money. More (necessary) complexity (software and people). The demand for ... Read More

Roland ... what's in a name

2020-04-13 Personal Culture Thoughts

Updated: On Oct., 11th, 2020 Updated: On Apr., 12th, 2020 Updated: On Oct., 29th, 2016 A couple of years ago a colleague of mine pointed me to the new ... Read More

The American election ... 1 year after

2018-01-21 Personal Politics Thoughts

The dust has settled. All opinions have been voiced. All articles have been written. Not quite … here is another one :). I am struggling with ... Read More

I am a lucky guy :) ...

2017-01-18 Software-Engineering Conferences Thoughts

Sometimes it takes a while to get to it … Last year I was opening Data-by-the-Bay and was welcoming/addressing the attendees. Wanted to turn it ... Read More

Getting GTD done - Thoughts and Tools

2013-08-19 Personal Management Tips & Tricks Thoughts

We all have a lot to do. Effective time/task management is essential. I’ve been using GTD (Getting Things Done) for a while now (a long while :)) and ... Read More

About broken windows and software gardening ... - Thoughts from The Pragmatic Programmer

2013-02-16 Software-Engineering Books Culture Thoughts

These days I am writing more source code again (mostly Scala) and decided to (re)read a couple of books to refresh some thoughts and ideas and ... Read More

Cloud Computing - A practical guide for the common user

2011-05-01 Software-Engineering Cloud-Computing Thoughts

These days (and especially after the Amazon EC2 outage :)) everybody is talking about cloud computing. It seems you cannot be sexy, if you do not ... Read More

Managing complexity with OSGi - In bundles and between bundles

2010-04-22 Software-Engineering OSGi Thoughts

Right now the Brandvis SelectPortal system is based on Microsoft .NET and we constantly improve it and add features. While we do this we also ... Read More

Bierdeckel Economics vs. Armchair Economics - ... and what it got to do with Greece and Ireland

2010-04-04 Personal Thoughts Politics

As most of you know, I am married to a greek woman and life in Ireland. Therefore the current economic crisis is omnipresent in my life. A couple of ... Read More