IOM TT 2024 - History was made

2024-06-01 Personal Thoughts

Ok, here comes an odd one … This one is not about software-technologies or software-engineering or software-craftmanship or management or ... Read More

The Software Gardening Manifesto - A copy

2023-07-01 Software-Craftmanship Culture Thoughts

In case the Software Gardening Manifesto is down or otherwise not available, here is a copy of it … SOFTWARE GARDENING MANIFESTO Software ... Read More

Augmented Blogging - The Art of Prompting

2023-04-09 Personal Augmented-by-AI Innovation Machine-Learning Nerdy Thoughts

This is a landmark blog post. I just introduced a tag called Augmented-by-AI. And this post is tagged with it. This is going to be the new normal. Let ... Read More

The pillars of a sustainable energy future - A fireside chat

2023-03-12 Personal Augmented-by-AI Climate Environment Innovation Politics Thoughts

This blog post is interesting in more than one way, because … I am going to discuss a topic that is deer to my heart: What do we need to do to ... Read More

The Ideal Team Player - HHS vs. DAC

2023-02-10 Management Books Culture Remote Thoughts

Patrick Lencioni (obviously) wrote The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. In that book we learn that the five dysfunctions you need to avoid are … ... Read More

Can we afford to be surprised? - "Hot, hot, hot"

2023-01-14 Personal Environment Politics Thoughts

6 years ago I wrote a blog post to express that my wife loves me for a lot of different reasons and that there is no reason to be surprised about the ... Read More

Happy new year - I am tooting now ...

2023-01-01 Personal Culture Nerdy Politics Privacy TEDN Thoughts Tips & Tricks

Happy new year to ya all!!! What a year it has been. Some of the highlights are … In February I spend a week with the European Community ... Read More

What is better than Remote-First 1.0? Remote-First 2.0!

2021-07-04 Management Culture Remote Thoughts

Two weeks ago I got my second jab. I am fully vaccinated now. I am now in Germany to see my parents for the first time in 12 month. Yes: It is finally ... Read More

The end of the pandemic - Social Media Edition

2021-06-10 Personal Thoughts

Now it is (almost) official: The pandemic is over (or is coming to an end fast/soon). In the next couple of days I am going to get my second shoot. ... Read More

Distances - Know them. Manage them.

2021-06-01 Management Culture Remote Thoughts

Building and managing remote-first organizations means that you also need to understand (and manage) distances! To develop your ability to understand ... Read More