HTC One Mini ... does it make Sense?

2014-04-01 Personal Mobile Nerdy

Update 2004-04-02: The first nightlies for M4 got released on CyanogenMod. Testing now ... --- The short answer is: NO! At least not in my case ... Read More

FlightFest @ Gilt ... Location, Location, Location ...

2013-09-27 Personal Nerdy

Psssttt ... don't tell anybody, but ... at Gilt it is not always about work and writing great code. Sometimes we like to party. Especially when ... Read More

Charting some KPIs ... how hard can it be?

2013-05-10 Software-Engineering Management Culture Nerdy

In the last couple of weeks I was working on an initiative to make all the Gilt Tech KPIs available in one place. There are lots of dashboard ... Read More

Sometimes small things make a big difference ... using Source Code Pro with Emacs

2012-11-10 Software-Engineering Nerdy

<outing alarm>I love my emacs.</outing alarm> Sometimes small things can make a big difference. Like a dot. You can put it at the end of ... Read More

AquaEmacs and JDEE and Method Completion - Cannot find JDK's tools jar file (or equivalent)

2010-11-24 Software-Engineering Nerdy Tips & Tricks

Hhhmmm ... nerd alert: If you do not like AquaEmacs, JDEE and Method Completion ... don't read this :). Otherwise ... good news: Not sure, if you have ... Read More