Mastodon and Emacs - The Restart

2024-07-05 Personal Emacs Nerdy TEDN Tips & Tricks

Ok … I admit it! I am using emacs! A lot! I am also using emacs to do my tooting. Means I am using mastodon.el. The other day I had to ... Read More

Note to myself - How to make ManxTelecom work

2024-07-04 Personal TEDN Tips & Tricks

Ok … it is not a secret: I have been to the Isle of Man (IOM) once or twice (for the the TT and the Manx Grand-Prix). And every 12 month I find ... Read More

Happy new year - I am tooting now ...

2023-01-01 Personal Culture Nerdy Politics Privacy TEDN Thoughts Tips & Tricks

Happy new year to ya all!!! What a year it has been. Some of the highlights are … In February I spend a week with the European Community ... Read More

Good WiFi - More TEDN dark arts

2021-07-25 Personal Remote TEDN Tips & Tricks

Updated (2021-08-14): Added some test data (at the end; see below) As I said before … When you work from anywhere (or even from home) it is ... Read More

Internet connections ... the life blood of The Extreme Digital Nomad

2020-09-11 Personal Software-Engineering TEDN Tips & Tricks Community

I am in Hidden Valley Holiday Park. Working on the career progression framework for Community. It is 5am and … I realized something. ... Read More

TEDN.LIFE Podcast - Trutzbox

2020-08-23 Personal TEDN Podcast German

WARNING: This content is in German :) … Willkommen zum TEDN.LIFE Podcast. Ich wollte schon immer mal ausprobieren wie man so was ... Read More

The TEDN Van

2020-04-14 Personal TEDN Culture

Here we go again: There is good news and bad news!!! The good news is that the TEDN Mobile Office project is making good progress! By now we (means ... Read More

Assessing the WLAN ... the dark arts of extreme digital nomading

2020-04-10 Personal TEDN Remote Tips & Tricks

When you work from anywhere (or even from home) it is YOUR(!!!) responsibility to ensure that you are connected!!! Statements like … ... Read More

Discussing Remote ... the book!!!

2020-04-07 Software-Engineering Management TEDN Remote Culture Books

These days people look for advice and insight into how to build and run a remote-first engineering organization. And want/need to learn fast!!! One ... Read More

TEDN - The most important tool ...

2020-04-06 Personal TEDN Environment

… is the laptop? No (but more on this later)! … is the mobile phone (with good 4G coverage)? No (and again … more on this later)! ... Read More